Rautini is a spectacular tree daisy found only on the Chatham Islands archipelago.

The connection–

Being one of the first trees to flourish after floods, fires, and storms, it perfectly represents our mission to help farmers and primary processors flourish in all environmental, economic, and market conditions.

Photo credit of Rautini flower photos. Left and above: New Zealand Plant Conservation Network, Photographer: Peter J. de Lange

About us –

Rautini Ltd is a New Zealand owned and operated company. Created to engage in offshore projects and partnerships, helping farmers and primary processors to become established and flourish, by developing and promoting activities that improve farm returns and provide market access.

Working primarily in the Asia-Pacific region, Rautini provides farmers and processors access to Aotearoa – New Zealand’s reputation for exceptional quality and food safety assurances for primary produce.


Supporting Farmers in the Asia-Pacific

For a number of years Rautini has drawn on the expertise and resources of partner commercial entities, social enterprises, and government agencies to provide:
  • Training
  • Improved farming operations
  • Biosecurity and integrated pest management
  • Certifications
  • Environmental mitigations
  • Adding value
  • Market access by overcoming market issues within premium agricultural produce